
Currently our Y13 students do not use blogs for their coursework.

Use this blog to access helpful hints and tips, key information, interesting articles and beauiful blog posts about the units of study in A2 Film Studies.

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Unsupervised Lesson 19 December

Today you are focusing on the themes of La Haine.  You need to read the article below (including the comments made by other people at the end) and complete the Theme Task sheet.  Use your own knowledge and ideas about the film but you can also research a bit on the internet and read other parts of your La Haine booklet.
Don't forget that you need to have analysed  scenes from the film, taking screen grabs to highlight your points.
You also need to be working on your Creative project - coming up with an idea and choosing which format you are going to work in

The Reading

The Theme Task Sheet

Thursday, 12 December 2013

Micro Analysis of La Haine - Own Choice of Scenes

Now that you have looked in detail at the opening scenes, you need to choose up to 4 other scenes to study.  Try to choose scenes that are significant to the plot, representation, themes etc.
Good ones could include the DJ scene, the toilet scene, the ending, gate crashing the Art gallery, the Eiffel Tower scene, the run ins with the skinheads, the police interrogation scene, the visit to Asterix etc

The Opening of La Haine

Looking closely at the opening scenes where we are introduced to the three main characters answer the question in the handout below.  Bullet points are fine.

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Getting Started on your Creative Project

Here are the instructions for the tasks you need to do for your Creative Project.  Remember that there will be no class time on this until these tasks are completed by everyone in the class....